Friday, February 27, 2009

Tied and United

We are fat and in debt?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I Hear Ernesto

Ernesto's voice first came through with his letter he wrote to his mother about his adventures in Argentina. He expresses tone when states " A loving hug from your son", I just thought that was so adorable because I would have never thought he had a sensitive side in him. However the letter fully expresses his love for mother. Also when he gives the raving details of the Atlantic Ocean it showed imagery.

My Ideology

One of my biggest believes is that everyone should have a equal chance at happiness as everyone else even if the circumstances are not normal. I will defend anyone who is not capable to pursue their happiness especially when it comes to love. Another belief of mine is to give respect and get respect. I will never under any circumstances allow a person to disrespect me, and think they will get respect in return from me. I was always taught that way as a child that's why it is strongly enforced in my morals.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I think what is happening in Pakistan is kind of similar to what happened in Bolivia with Che. He was helping the soldiers in Bolivia to make their army stronger but there was a lot of guerrilla war fair in Bolivia they were actually like at war in Bolivia. In Pakistan they are not at war they are just helping the army to build up an army. The people of Pakistan want the help of the Americans but the Bolivians did not want Che to be there so there is a difference.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I think that Fidel Castro is the one responsible for Che’s death because he allegedly he was the one that sent him to Bolivia after he read Che’s farewell letter to the people. I think that the situation has Fidel Castro written all over it. I think it was because Che and Castro were not on the same page anymore about politics. I’m almost sure it was Castro, he threw Che to the lions.
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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Point of No Return

The patients cast off and to the sound of a folk tune the human cargo drifted away from shore; the faint light of their lanterns giving the people a ghostly quality. The human cargo singing giving off its mysterious graces to the human beings left behind off the cargo. How far do they have to go to make, the ghostly quality almost made it seem as though the human cargo will never return. The ship was following a path of no return. Thinking of what have just may happened sent a shiver down my spine. I never had a feeling like that before in my life just to see a ship leave it was just something about that ship….

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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Che's Ideology

I think Che’s personal mission statement would be a body of doctrine, myth, etc. with reference to some political and social plan, as that of fascism, along with the devices for putting it into operation. I choose this type of Ideology because he becomes very determined throughout the documentary to over through the leader of Latin America. He does not believe that imperialism is the best way to run a country. He strongly believed in a different approach like communism. He spoke very strongly about communism and he stood side by side with Fidel Castro in the documentary.

Monday, February 9, 2009


If I was creating a movie on Che I would include all the important parts of his life.I would highlight all of the important events of his life to show how he developed into the person he was. I would have to ask what major events would mold into Che Guevara? Why was he made out to be a good guy when actually facts prove that he was not?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Judging a Book by its Cover

I was always told not to judge a book by its cover, however it is kind of hard when the book looks like it will take an eternity to read, or if the cover is bland. I hate when a cover is completely irrelevant to the book. I like to read the back of the book to get a little hint of what I’m going to be reading. One of the books that caught my attention was the Outsiders, I read it a while ago, but the cover attracted me when I first saw it. The book was very good too, it was one of my favorites.

Monday, February 2, 2009

The truth about Che

The video I watched on the Greg Beck's show was very interesting. I do not have type of background information on who the Che person is. I have never learned about him in history class, however he sounds like a horrible man. Beck stated that he put gay males in jail just because they were gay. I do not understand why he would do such a thing. Greg Beck really made the man out to be a monster. He was trying to get the point across that Che was not what he seemed, and the movie directors made him out to be something he was not. But I feel like I can not speak that much about the clip because I have no clue who Che is....